• Premium Quality
  • International delivery
  • Gluten-free
  • Lactose-free
  • Premium Quality
  • International delivery
  • Gluten-free
  • Lactose-free
fatty acids supplements


Important, but little noticed:

Why are fatty acids so important for a healthy body?

Oils and fats are an essential part of our diet. There are both beneficial and detrimental fatty acids and their ratios to each other, as well as chemically treated and natural variants. Health-damaging influences can result from excessive heating, chemical modification and the selection of unfavorable fatty acid combinations, which may only lead to serious illnesses years later. In general, oils and fats that are less processed are usually healthier and better tolerated. While some fatty acids can be produced by the body itself, others are essential and must be obtained from food. Fish oils are particularly important for brain metabolism and should therefore be consumed regularly.